Home Poker Strategy $250K April Cash Point Races at Titan Poker

$250K April Cash Point Races at Titan Poker

$250K April Cash Point Races at Titan Poker

No Limit Hold’em cash game players st Titan Poker can take home a share of more than $250,000 in prizes for three weeks in April with Titan Poker’s Cash Point online poker promotion.

The Cash Point leaderboard challenge is divided into three weekly races by stake levels, with winners in each group announced every week. The first week runs from April 2nd through April 8th, with cash prizes for hundreds of players in the micro, low and med/high stake groups.

Week 2 begins April 9th, and runs through April 15, and week 3 lasts from April 16 to April 22nd. First place cash prizes range from $850 for the micro limit group, to $1,300 for the med/high group. Registration for week 1 of the Titan Poker Cash Point promotion is now open, and players may register for the leaderboard competition throughout the duration of the contest.

Players generate Cash Points toward the leaderboard by participating in qualifying cash game hands. A qualifying hand is one in which 3 or more players remain active in the hand after the flop is dealt. The winner of the hand receives one point for each opponent that sees the flop, while the losing players receive 2 points each for their participation.

In order to make it on the Cash Point leaderboard, micro players will need at least 15 qualifying hands per week. The low leaderboard requires a minimum of 20 eligible hands, and the med/high group will need at least 25. The maximum number of hands that will be counted toward the Cash Point Race each week are 40 for micro, 50 for low and 60 for med / high.

Visit TitanPoker.com for more details about the April Cash Point promotion. For information about Titan Poker and our exclusive Titan Poker bonus code, see our Titan Poker Review and Titan Poker Bonus Code pages.