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Poker Forums


If you have bothered to look around, you may have noticed that there seem to be thousands of poker forums online. These range in size from very large, with thousands of people online every day, to very small with only a few posters, and of course every size in between. I used to spend a great deal of time on poker forums, and they can be a wonderful place to learn about poker.

You must be able to tell the difference between good and bad advice though, because some of the advice given is completely wrong and can damage your game. Here are a few recommendations if you decide to find a forum.

  1. Don’t take anything you read as fact until you think about it and do your own investigation.
  2. Just because someone has many posts, doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about.
  3. By offering advice in a constructive and professional way, you will be more likely to receive constructive advice when you ask questions.
  4. Don’t get involved in the politics or petty squabbles that seem to pop up occasionally on forums. They are rarely productive and can put you in a poor situation.
  5. Understand why you want to join a forum. Do you need to learn about certain aspects of poker, or are you looking for a community, or both.

I have learned a great deal at poker forums and enjoy the community aspect of them. Playing poker online can be a solitary pastime, and it is good to share views with like-minded people. I don’t spend as much time as I used to at them, but I still stop by and check out the new posts a couple times a week and often pick up some useful information.

If you don’t take part in a poker forum, you may want to find one or two that you can join, ask questions and take part in the discussions. You never know when you may learn just the thing you need to move over the top. Until next week, good luck at the tables!